I was forced to find a new home for my chickens/rooster but I don't want to go into the details. I have really missed having chickens.
Well that all changed on Good Friday. We got 4 chickens. Woot Woot!. We got 2 Sexlinks and 2 Rhode Island Reds. Of course they managed to poop before I got a chance to take a nice picture.
Sadly the one Rhode Island Red passed away a few days later. I also was not happy with the box situation so I chose another box and went to work. I wanted to be able to see these chicks more, not just when I held them. So here is what I came up with, using supplies from around my home.
The "window" is actually a taut piece of saran wrap with packing tape laid over in strips. I have kept a close eye on it and it has held up well. I taped a thermometer as shown in the picture to keep it from getting all yukky. They won't be in this box much longer because they are growing so fast.
We may get another chick to replace the deceased one. The local Agway offered to replace the chick. Thanks Agway! I am glad they stand behind what they sell.
Did anyone else get some Easter Chicks? I'd love to see some pictures. Glad to be back to this blog. I am enjoying going through my old posts.
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